The school follows the curriculum of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi and is affiliated up to secondary level. The Medium of instruction is English. Hindi and Malayalam are the addititional languages taught, one of which can be dropped from class IX onwards.
Subject Taught (Primary and High school)
- English
- Malayalam
- Hindi
- Science
- Social science
- Health and Physical Education
- Health and Wellness Education
- Work experience
- Art Education
- Computer Science
- Value Education
- Skating
Jeevan Jyothi provides ample opportunity to all the students to hone their multiple intelligences through various CCA & club activities. It is therefore obligatory for every student to participate in one CCA & club activity. The individual performances of the students will be assessed and evaluated to make the CCA more objective and scientific.
The Following Co-curricular activities are offered to students of Std. I –X. Dance (Classical), Music (vocal & instrumental) Karate, Drawing and Painting and Craft Works, Yoga.
The club activities include: IT club, Maths club, Health club, Natural club, Catholic club, Sports club, Music club and Science club, Arts club, Road & Safety club.