Jeevan Jyothi Public Schoool

Jeevan Jyothi Public School is run by the Sisters of st. Anne, Bangalore. The school was founded in 2000 with the specific aim of giving quality education to the children of the locality and of its neighbouring places following CBSE syllabus.


Sisters of st. Anne, Bangalore (SAB) is a religious community of Sisters committed to the cause of education. Through their vast net- work of over hundred educational institutions all over the country, the SAB’s have faithfully adhered to the ideal of “ integration”- trying to bring about a harmonious blending of the spiritual values with the secular, modernity with heritage, competetiveness with co-operation, technology with humanism, self reliance and social sensitivity. JJP School is dedicated to project this SAB vision of education.

Latest News

Admission started for Pre KG to class IX for the academic year 2024-25


School Follows the Curriculum implemented by Central Boar of Secondary Education Delhi.


The school is equipped with advanced science, mathematics, language and computer labs, library, spacious play ground, etc.


Students are given opportunities to develop their specific skill through Music, Dance, Marshal Arts, sports,etc.


Admission is open to all good and earnest students with out distinction of caste and creed.

Jeevan Jyothi Public School

Jeevan Jyothi Public School is run by the Sisters of st. Anne, Bangalore. The school was founded in 2000 with the specific aim of giving quality education to the children of the locality and of its neighbouring places following CBSE syllabus.....Read More

Jeevan Jyothi Public School

Jeevan Jyothi Public School is run by the Sisters of st. Anne, Bangalore. The school was founded in 2000 with the specific aim of giving quality education to the children of the locality and of its neighbouring places following CBSE syllabus.........Read More

Jeevan Jyothi Public School

Jeevan Jyothi Public School is run by the Sisters of st. Anne, Bangalore. The school was founded in 2000 with the specific aim of giving quality education to the children of the locality and of its neighbouring places following CBSE syllabus.........Read More

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Our Vision

We firmly believe that the education of the youth helps to create a better human society. So we seek to impart a sound education, leading to the spiritual, intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of the child. The education imparted at JJPS opens the heart as well as the mind & pursues excellence in all aspects of life and activity.

Every child at Jeevan Jyothi is groomed to grow into competent and creative individuals capable of providing constructive leadership to a new world order. The students are encouraged to make a sound moral judgment based on a well- formed conscience and put them into practice with a sense of personal commitment.

Our Mission

We aim at achieving our objective with child- centered and activity oriented methods with utmost care, love, understanding and firmness, so as to inculcate in the young minds, early enough the moral and cultural values, upholding human values and our composite culture, developing a sense of social responsibility and religious tolerance and enhancing competence and confidence to meet the challenges that lie ahead

St.Anne the Gracious

LA CASA 2022

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